Bodywork/ Massage
Lets Be Well offers a nourishing of heart, body, mind and soul to community through therapeutic process oriented massage and bodywork.
The origins of my bodywork teachings are from 2009 at Mette’s Institute, taught to me as Kahuna Massage. I trained under Gwyn Williams @ Zen Thai Shiatsu in 2011 and with these two modalities I offered up many hrs for free to loving friends and family before commencing to charge a fee. For seven years these modalities and principles were the pillars of my bodywork practices.
In 2015 I trained 1:1 with Snakeman @ Shanti Bhavan in Advanced Transpersonal Bodywork, this training took me to a new level of ceremonial bodywork and the art of facilitating transpersonal integrative embodiment.
IN 2016 while in Thailand I completed a seven day Thai massage training.
In 2021 I trained in trauma informed sandplay therapy, a modality that supports and holds the integration of the language of the soul through personal myth and symbols.
Ceremonial Transpersonal Bodywork sessions are deeply personal, reflective and ceremonial, Integrative sandplay is a modality that offers opportunity for greater integration and transformation post bodywork.
Ceremonial Transpersonal Bodywork is grounded, fluid in earth, body, breath, spirit and rhythmic ocean principles, song and chant.
Ceremonial Transpersonal bodywork invites a deep transformational voyage of the internal landscape and beyond.
Ceremonial Transpersonal Bodywork
1 HOUR- $120- touching the surface
1.5- 2 HOURS- $220- Deep immersion
2.5-3 hours $300 Deep Immersion with integrative sand play therapy session.
Ceremonial Transpersonal Bodywork is an intuitive therapeutic modality supporting the individual committed to their personal integrative life journey.
The term ‘transpersonal’ literally means ‘beyond (or through) the personal’. Transpersonal refers to the experiences, processes and events that contribute to our perspective and understanding of the self. Where our limiting sense of self is transcended and in which there is a feeling of interconnected relating to a larger, more meaningful reality.
These sessions commence with a discussion about your healing journey and your whole body awareness and needs. This bodywork is a dynamic and intuitive deep muscle, tissue and tension release treatment. You will be draped with a sarong and I will be fully clothed. I will use organic coconut oil with gentle, firm and at times strong flowing whole body hand and forearm contact. Sessions can and do involve meditative rhythmic yoga style stretching. As a practitioner and facilitator of your experience I will guide you at times and you are welcome throughout to use sound to inform, support and surrender to your own felt experience.
Hot stones therapy is included in these sessions
Transpersonal Bodywork is a healing, heart centred experience offered in service to the individual commited to their deeper whole body healing needs.
Sessions traditionally are two hours long.
Zen Thai Shiatsu Bodywork
1.5 HOURS- $150
A fusion of Thai, Shiatsu and Osteo, this treatment is therapeutic in nature and is offered as a whole bodied clothed treatment.
Delivered on a shiatsu mat on the floor this practice involves gentle stretching, cradling, rocking, rubbing and shiatsu trigger point therapy. The treatment has been likened to receiving a 1.5hr yoga session without you having to do anything except breathe, let go and recieve.
This treatment supports Myofascial release of the entire body.
In this session you are clothed in loose comfortable clothing
Zen Thai Floor Massage is a 90 min whole body relaxation and meditation.
In these sessions your body is invited through the many techniques to find its own parasympathetic nervous system release.
Thai Shiatsu Bodywork offers a deep rest of the entire body/ nervous system.