About Lets Be Well

Acknowledgment of country and several generations of both Kamilaroi and Bundjalung people, respect to past, present and emerging leaders of the Original Custodians of these lands known presently as Tenterfield.
About Lets Be Well
Drawing from Transpersonal Counselling, Coaching, Gestalt Therapy, Transpersonal Ceremonial Bodywork principles, Trauma informed Sandplay Therapy, Australian Counselling Association standards of practise , Lets Be Well supports the individual and groups in stewarding a culture of well-being
Know Thyself
Lets be Well believes that it is the hijacking of the mind and the interplay of the intellect that contributes greatly to the decline in our personal journey of mental health.
And for many others the lived experiences of transgenerational trauma, complex trauma, PTSD, ADD and or bipolar is very real.
When we shine a light onto some of the contributing factors impacting peoples mental health, we help each other and society minimise stigma associated with mental health, anxiety, depression and suicide.
To support the minimisation of stigma around mental health its valuable to also normalise some of the life experiences people struggle with alone in their heads behind closed doors.
The following list is just a few of the issues that one may feel or believe that they have to navigate on their own.
cultural and societal expectation/ demands
work demands
systemic racism
educational/ study demands
(internalised/ external) homophobia, biphobia
lateral violence
Complex family systems
trangenerational trauma
complex trauma
Health/ fitness
sti/ std
Shame Based Trauma associated with being among a marginalised community
Symptoms that people are known to experience
addiction (alcohol/ drug/ sex/ porn)
hyper vigilance/ hyper tension
eating disorders
grief/ loss
Fitness addiction
It is important to note that most social, political systems and structures have been designed to imply support and provide a sense of human safety and security. However ironically, these systems and structures leave many people misinformed, distrusting, vulnerable, anxious, fearful overwhelmed and over worked, and under paid.
Somewhere amidst all of the conditioning and moulding from the outside world, the inner zone of self has been abandoned or neglected/ malnourished
Roles, duties, desires and pursuits of needing to be something other than the true self has taken precedence.
Buddhism’s greatest teaching says that it is desire that is the root of all suffering.
Yet, if the entire global structures and systems are designed to feed the human instinct of desire, when then does our human suffering end?
When is enough, enough?
When are we ENOUGH?
Fact: Life inevitably knocks people off axis, and out of balance, the degree to which a person is knocked around by life depends on many variables. Counselling can support and hold you in safety while you unpack, unravel and discern what you really need to love thyself and know thyself.
The human spirit and its greater intelligence is constantly calling for homeostasis, we are trained well to drown it out, cover it up and stop listening to its guidance.
Counselling can offer you a safe space once a week or once a fortnight to focus on your wellbeing, to be supported in navigating the self back to your inherent inner guidance system.
At Lets Be Well I am committed to you rediscovering a sense of Love, Belonging and Wholeness.
At lets be Well, I do not profess to know you more then you know yourself, I will only ever meet you from a professional therapeutic sovereign place, holding a mirror to you in the hope that over time you will remember the true sovereign that resides within you . And that through the Lets be Well lenses of support you will begin to remember who you really are , and commence feeling empowered and liberated by self determining choices and actions that empower, enlighten and strengthen your life vitality.
We are all walking each other home
Lets Be Well offers a safe professional space where the unlearning of institutional obedience can occur through your own supported self inquiry.
During this process of unlearning a renewed embodied and heart centred way of being unfurls.
There is a natural cycle from which the earth and all its species are apart of, these cycles can be seen in the seasonal changes throughout our twelve month calendar year. We acknowledge that each individual is on their own journey where the same cycles of destruction, creation, embodiment, preservation and release occur from within as well as out in the world. This cycle is also represented within the ancient symbol of the Nataraja. The dancing Shiva dances the same dance of destruction, creation, embodiment, preservation and release. This cycle and dance is the dance of the universe and humanity is made up of the same principals. The dancing shiva can be seen dancing on the body of a dwarf which represents the ignorance of man/humanity.
The dancing Shiva (Nataraj) is the dance of destruction, creation, embodiment, preservation and release upon the head of ignorance that can be man.
Lets Be Well ask powerful questions in relation to your personal story, inviting you to explore the deeper resources of your internal landscape, and the relationship of your inner and external worlds. At times I may challenge and support you in developing congruence between these worlds.

Lets Be Well Values
A profoundly tender, passionate affection.
A felt sense of feeling safe, seen, held and supported in partnership/ friendship and community.
Relationship to all aspects of human nature, especially one's emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental, financial and spiritual needs.